Until this time I was sent 2 msg to him..just now I was give him a compliment...B...are u very tired? yeah..that's the most popular sentences that I used to make my self calm...if not I can be out of control & transform to monster...what? u wanna be a monster?
Bee r u ok? is it something wrong with u? yea..at this moment some of my wires in my brain was miss match...so I cannot thinking or talking properly! stay away from me..
Why should I care what people say? what is my heart saying? haha...don't listen my mumbling here..this is my page that I can trough out all my stress, my happiness, my sadness..& everything...
I'm looking for my fancy notebook also cannot find...that's make me more stress until this pimples came out..argh..why it must exist in this time? it make my hands so itchy to touch it...nice to touch some more to squeeze..squeeze...ouch..
Good nite B33...
Sila klik ye...thanks
Monday, June 30, 2008
This Man...Lelaki Ini...
This man always make me calm..only when I see his face..huhu...nooo...honestly he always make me calm & happy...even sometimes I'm so stubborn when I want something...sometimes so pity him when I talk to him with my high volume...but he is very patient...just treat me nicely...he's a good man of mine..mine? what the...yeah hopefully...amin...

Oh yeah..last nite he asked me for dinner..pizza hut but I add on kfc...but I cannot finish it..yeah..I'm greedy...he finished it for me...always jeer me when I cannot finish my food..I've an appetite but my stomach so small...can we accept the reason? hehe...
Yesterday evening he sms me when he told me that he cannot accompany me to buy my things...as he promised after our breakfast...bcoz he still in his sister's house & he's not well..he say sorry...the sentence so touching...its ok..never mind...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
This Sunday morning make me so lazy to woke up...its raining...but not so heavy..as usual, since 2 weeks before I had a breakfast every sunday with myB...this is how we spent our time together...& normally this is a best way to discuss everything...
Today I ate fried kue teow same like last week..but this is so nice, more scallops & prawns..some more the cute amoi cooked not her ama...huhu..MyB only took 2 sets of toast bread...is it enough? hiks..
We plan to hang out some where since I've got something to buy for my toiletries..but it still drizzling...until I type this entry...& he has to go to his sister's house at Kajang...
Today I ate fried kue teow same like last week..but this is so nice, more scallops & prawns..some more the cute amoi cooked not her ama...huhu..MyB only took 2 sets of toast bread...is it enough? hiks..
We plan to hang out some where since I've got something to buy for my toiletries..but it still drizzling...until I type this entry...& he has to go to his sister's house at Kajang...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sharp 1.30pm I went back to my house from the office...Bored + sleepy...thought want to go out but dont know where to go no partner some more...
I asked myB but then he actually just go to work...thought he worked for morning shift today...To nite can see him,I think so...huh..then just go back & sleep..hehe..I think that is the best activity for me today....
Its rainy day..so nice to sleep..with my Pooh's comforter..zZzZz...
When I woke up suddenly I feel hungry...after take my bath...I cooked chicken with black soy sauce...it make me think about Leona...she like that recipe...I love to eat when she cook..
Tomorrow she will come back from Sabah...yeah..quite a long time we didn't spend our time together..she just came back from europe but then fly again to Sabah...waaa...so lonely...
I asked myB but then he actually just go to work...thought he worked for morning shift today...To nite can see him,I think so...huh..then just go back & sleep..hehe..I think that is the best activity for me today....
Its rainy day..so nice to sleep..with my Pooh's comforter..zZzZz...
When I woke up suddenly I feel hungry...after take my bath...I cooked chicken with black soy sauce...it make me think about Leona...she like that recipe...I love to eat when she cook..
Tomorrow she will come back from Sabah...yeah..quite a long time we didn't spend our time together..she just came back from europe but then fly again to Sabah...waaa...so lonely...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Macaroni Cheese
Dinner aku masak macaroni..ingat nak masak nasi tapi dari semalam memang nak makan macaroni..kejap je nak buat nih...sbb smua bahan masuk skali...

Aku mkn 2 3 suap je lps tu dah kenyang...lgpun cheese kan..kalau mkn banyak cepat rasa muak...ermmm...sayangnye la tp nak wat camne dah aku sorg je yg mkn...

Aku mkn 2 3 suap je lps tu dah kenyang...lgpun cheese kan..kalau mkn banyak cepat rasa muak...ermmm...sayangnye la tp nak wat camne dah aku sorg je yg mkn...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I'm so lazy to update my blog..so tired until cannot think properly..its a warning for myB..
when I get my bubbly mood later on I'll update with a few entry..hope so..
anyway...I like to read any blogger blogs even I'm not update mine..hehe..
when I get my bubbly mood later on I'll update with a few entry..hope so..
anyway...I like to read any blogger blogs even I'm not update mine..hehe..
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Aku skrg tgh bosan d tahap gaban..tp masalahnye aku xleh bertukar kpd mask rider..kalau tak, ini jam jugak aku dah bertukar...aku sgt boring d cni..hari ni d office jugak sgt boring..Privena bbrp kali dtg office aku sbb dia lebih bosan drpd aku... ingat nak g kuar time lunch hour..skalinye malas lah pulak..tp asyik merungut bosan...
Aku lapar nasik..balik keje singgah mini market beli lauk..sampai umah trus msk..lps maghrib mkn nasik tp skit je then x lalu..ada lak camtuh...penat je masak..then aku bosan dah 2 hari x dgr suara myB..aku call x pick up..td kat office je dia msg time dia nak balik keje...
Aku bosan...waaa...ape aku nak buat nih..penah skali tu weekend aku paksa myB kuar...even dia kata letih sbb byk hal dia kene settlekan hari tu...aku x pedulik jugak..nasib baik dia x ngamuk kat aku...layan je aku yg tgh bosan time tuh..skrg ni aku bosan tp aku xtau nak wat pe...aduhhh...myB tuh confirm sok baru bgun trus g keje...
Argh..aku pun xtau sbnarnye ape yg aku taip nih..

pic bbrp taun lps...time ni tgh boring gak...snap sendri..
Aku lapar nasik..balik keje singgah mini market beli lauk..sampai umah trus msk..lps maghrib mkn nasik tp skit je then x lalu..ada lak camtuh...penat je masak..then aku bosan dah 2 hari x dgr suara myB..aku call x pick up..td kat office je dia msg time dia nak balik keje...
Aku bosan...waaa...ape aku nak buat nih..penah skali tu weekend aku paksa myB kuar...even dia kata letih sbb byk hal dia kene settlekan hari tu...aku x pedulik jugak..nasib baik dia x ngamuk kat aku...layan je aku yg tgh bosan time tuh..skrg ni aku bosan tp aku xtau nak wat pe...aduhhh...myB tuh confirm sok baru bgun trus g keje...
Argh..aku pun xtau sbnarnye ape yg aku taip nih..

pic bbrp taun lps...time ni tgh boring gak...snap sendri..
He Fact!!!
I found this article in a website...I was interested to put it here...Maybe it's not 100% true but let we think about it..huhu...just to make a smile...
6 weeks : I love U, I love U, I love U.
6 months : Of course I love U.
6 years : GOD, if I didn't love U, then why the hell did I propose
Back from Work:
6 weeks : Honey, I'm home.
6 months : BACK!!
6 years : What did your mom cook for us today??
6 weeks : Honey, I really hope you liked the ring.
6 months : I bought you a painting; it would fit the motif in the living room.
6 years : Here's the money. Buy yourself something.
Phone Ringing:
6 weeks : Baby, somebody wants you on the phone.
6 months : Here, for you.
6 years : PHONE RINGING. !!!
6 weeks : I never knew food could taste so good!
6 months : What are we having for dinner tonight?
6 years : AGAIN!!!!
6 weeks : Honey muffin, don't you worry, I'll never hold this against you.
6 months : Watch out! Don't do it again.
6 years : What's not to understand about what I just said??
New Dress:
6 weeks : Oh my God, you look like an angel in that dress.
6 months : You bought a new dress again???
6 years : How much did THAT cost???

6 weeks : I love U, I love U, I love U.
6 months : Of course I love U.
6 years : GOD, if I didn't love U, then why the hell did I propose
Back from Work:
6 weeks : Honey, I'm home.
6 months : BACK!!
6 years : What did your mom cook for us today??
6 weeks : Honey, I really hope you liked the ring.
6 months : I bought you a painting; it would fit the motif in the living room.
6 years : Here's the money. Buy yourself something.
Phone Ringing:
6 weeks : Baby, somebody wants you on the phone.
6 months : Here, for you.
6 years : PHONE RINGING. !!!
6 weeks : I never knew food could taste so good!
6 months : What are we having for dinner tonight?
6 years : AGAIN!!!!
6 weeks : Honey muffin, don't you worry, I'll never hold this against you.
6 months : Watch out! Don't do it again.
6 years : What's not to understand about what I just said??
New Dress:
6 weeks : Oh my God, you look like an angel in that dress.
6 months : You bought a new dress again???
6 years : How much did THAT cost???
Monday, June 23, 2008
She's back
This morning I'm so happy..I heard the door open and her voice...yea..my housemate come back already...but I've to go to work...Privena pick her at KLIA...so she ask me to go to office together...mu manthai lor...we plan to go out together this evening...so easy for us if we go and back together...
My boss still sick..my young boss thought that I'm not working today...just bcoz he didnt see my car at the basement...hehe...he quite surprise when he saw me in d office.. he looked weird today, just quite...didnt talk alot as usual..maybe he was think something difficult..I guess..He went back earlier than me..ermm..very unusual..

Whatever we've a mission today..after worked I & Privena went back to take Leona for dinner...we ate at AHANTHAI at Bandar Puteri...never been here but the food is very nice...somemore tomyam kung...woohoo..we have a chit chat after a long time...so much things that we shared...so funny..cannot stop laughing..opsss..
Its not finished there..after that we went home & continue our agenda with makan2 again..hehe..Leona brought a bread from Lithuania..the taste not so nice but people there eat it with cream soup..Emmm...delicious..yummy...Leona make me cheerful again...yeah..I meant it..lonely no more..waaa..But tomorrow she going to her home town..until Sunday..yeah..will waiting here...
My boss still sick..my young boss thought that I'm not working today...just bcoz he didnt see my car at the basement...hehe...he quite surprise when he saw me in d office.. he looked weird today, just quite...didnt talk alot as usual..maybe he was think something difficult..I guess..He went back earlier than me..ermm..very unusual..

Whatever we've a mission today..after worked I & Privena went back to take Leona for dinner...we ate at AHANTHAI at Bandar Puteri...never been here but the food is very nice...somemore tomyam kung...woohoo..we have a chit chat after a long time...so much things that we shared...so funny..cannot stop laughing..opsss..
Its not finished there..after that we went home & continue our agenda with makan2 again..hehe..Leona brought a bread from Lithuania..the taste not so nice but people there eat it with cream soup..Emmm...delicious..yummy...Leona make me cheerful again...yeah..I meant it..lonely no more..waaa..But tomorrow she going to her home town..until Sunday..yeah..will waiting here...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Again with him...
So happy after a few weeks we always spent time together...hope it will be forever...today he brought me to bfast at Kelana Jaya again..but not the place bcoz it was closed...so he brought to..haha..forgot the name...but very good place I think even it's a Mamak Restaurant but there is some of different stalls in the restaurant that serve a diff foods...
I ordered fried kue teow..he ate nasi lemak with cow's lung..alamak..I dont eat it...but he just put in my plate..I tried to eat it..ermm..I think I can eat after this but not much...1 think I like about him..when he eat something he like me to taste the food also...at least..he didn't finished by himself...
~tomorrow myB will taste this home made rocky road~
After that we when to Tesco..I've got a mission..hehe..actually I was dreamed to eat rocky road..its happen after I read nonoy blog..u make me crazy noy...I just buy basic ingredients for rocky road...after that that he sent me home...& until now he didn't contact me..oh myB..
I already done the rocky road...just nice..feel like dont want to share to anybody..huhu..
I ordered fried kue teow..he ate nasi lemak with cow's lung..alamak..I dont eat it...but he just put in my plate..I tried to eat it..ermm..I think I can eat after this but not much...1 think I like about him..when he eat something he like me to taste the food also...at least..he didn't finished by himself...

After that we when to Tesco..I've got a mission..hehe..actually I was dreamed to eat rocky road..its happen after I read nonoy blog..u make me crazy noy...I just buy basic ingredients for rocky road...after that that he sent me home...& until now he didn't contact me..oh myB..
I already done the rocky road...just nice..feel like dont want to share to anybody..huhu..
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Ke Awan Besar
Hari ni Sabtu..macam biasa la aku keje half day...boss aku xdatang hari ni...dia mengalamai demam & sakit tekak yg sgt teruk...dia call pun aku xleh cam suara dia...but actually on Friday tu dah nampak dah tanda2 dia xkan dtg on Saturday...so aku agak relax skit la hari ni...tp x bermakna aku xbuat keje lak...
Tetiba myB msg aku kat webYM..ye aku x on9 kat ym time keje...keje is keje ok...
Dia br bangun le agaknye...klu sabtu dia x keje dia tido je kat umah...msg ala kadar je...then dia ckp nak jumpa kul10 mlm nanti...aku penah tanye nape dia x suka kuar siang..
..dia kata siang panas...dia xtahan...aduhhh

So aku lps keje mmg dok umah je..kul 10 lebih camtu myB dtg amik aku then ajak mkn...tringin mkn satay katenye..ktorg pun pegi la ke Awan Besar...order satay bbrp cucuk, myB mkn nasi ayam skali...siap gtau "B mmg mkn byk"..mkn la.. aku xpenah larang pun...skalinye satay yg xbyk tu x abis, dia paksa aku abiskan lak..ish..
Tetiba myB msg aku kat webYM..ye aku x on9 kat ym time keje...keje is keje ok...

So aku lps keje mmg dok umah je..kul 10 lebih camtu myB dtg amik aku then ajak mkn...tringin mkn satay katenye..ktorg pun pegi la ke Awan Besar...order satay bbrp cucuk, myB mkn nasi ayam skali...siap gtau "B mmg mkn byk"..mkn la.. aku xpenah larang pun...skalinye satay yg xbyk tu x abis, dia paksa aku abiskan lak..ish..
Mencari Cimpeng???
I was looking for an empty space to park my car near my office when suddenly there's a knock on the glass...
"Encik ah..tanya sikit ah..itu Chimpeng mana ah..?"
"Chimpeng, Chimpeng...saya sudah tanya itu guard ah.. dia cakap sini ada satu Chimpeng..."
"Sorrylah Apek. Saya tak tau woh...Apa tempat itu Chimpeng?"
"Aiyah...itu Chimpeng balu punya..Saya mau pigi angkat wang la..."
"Tarak tau la boss. Itu kedai ka apa?Along ka?"
"Chimpeng bukan kedai ma..lu itu pun tak tau ah..? itu Chimpeng macam itu Maypeng, Public Peng, RHetB Peng...itu balu punya Peng.."
buat aku pening je.. dia actually cari .......
CIMB Bank .. !!!!!!!
"Encik ah..tanya sikit ah..itu Chimpeng mana ah..?"
"Chimpeng, Chimpeng...saya sudah tanya itu guard ah.. dia cakap sini ada satu Chimpeng..."
"Sorrylah Apek. Saya tak tau woh...Apa tempat itu Chimpeng?"
"Aiyah...itu Chimpeng balu punya..Saya mau pigi angkat wang la..."
"Tarak tau la boss. Itu kedai ka apa?Along ka?"
"Chimpeng bukan kedai ma..lu itu pun tak tau ah..? itu Chimpeng macam itu Maypeng, Public Peng, RHetB Peng...itu balu punya Peng.."
buat aku pening je.. dia actually cari .......
CIMB Bank .. !!!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008
Buat Baik Berpada2..
Aku bukan nak kata aku ni baik sgt tp aku sekadar membantu org lain yg memerlukan...tapi bila kita menyedari org yg kita tolong tu sebenarnye tikam kita dr belakang, pertolongan itu akan menjadi beban pada kita...kita pun akan rasa x ikhlas nak tolong...(mcm pengakuan je)
Krisis harga minyak masih hebat diperkatakan...kesannya sgt besar pada aku sampai aku terpaksa mengurangkan AKTIVITI UKUR JALAN yg menjadi hobi aku sblm ni...tau la crita pasal harga minyak ni dah basi tapi kesannye baru je pada aku...
Al-kisah seorang makcik yg agak baik dgn aku..officemate merangkap kawan bau bacang..perghhh...tu dah menampakkan AURA KEMARAHAN aku...nak gtau la aku dah hilang rasa kawan dgn dorg nih...sblm ni x terasa sgt bila dia mintak tlg ambil kat umah time nak g keje or kdg tumpang aku time balik keje..even dok agak dekat je dgn umah aku tp jalan ktorg x sehala ok...
Aku ni jenis x sampai hati punye org...even org dah buat mcm2 kat aku pun, aku masih still bleh tolong...atas dasar kemanusiaan...yang female tu xpe la kot lgpun dia tgh pregn br brp bulan je...tp agak baik sbb dia pandai BALAS BUDI walaupun aku x penah mintak...
Yg sorang lg male..mmg xreti bahasa...selalunya time aku g thumb print time tu la dia sibuk2 gak kelam kabut nak numpang aku...aku pun xtau nak ckp dah..aku tau kdg dorg 'terbaca' la blog aku nih even aku x add dorg dlm list aku..so pepaham sendri la ye...
Krisis harga minyak masih hebat diperkatakan...kesannya sgt besar pada aku sampai aku terpaksa mengurangkan AKTIVITI UKUR JALAN yg menjadi hobi aku sblm ni...tau la crita pasal harga minyak ni dah basi tapi kesannye baru je pada aku...
Al-kisah seorang makcik yg agak baik dgn aku..officemate merangkap kawan bau bacang..perghhh...tu dah menampakkan AURA KEMARAHAN aku...nak gtau la aku dah hilang rasa kawan dgn dorg nih...sblm ni x terasa sgt bila dia mintak tlg ambil kat umah time nak g keje or kdg tumpang aku time balik keje..even dok agak dekat je dgn umah aku tp jalan ktorg x sehala ok...
Aku ni jenis x sampai hati punye org...even org dah buat mcm2 kat aku pun, aku masih still bleh tolong...atas dasar kemanusiaan...yang female tu xpe la kot lgpun dia tgh pregn br brp bulan je...tp agak baik sbb dia pandai BALAS BUDI walaupun aku x penah mintak...
Yg sorang lg male..mmg xreti bahasa...selalunya time aku g thumb print time tu la dia sibuk2 gak kelam kabut nak numpang aku...aku pun xtau nak ckp dah..aku tau kdg dorg 'terbaca' la blog aku nih even aku x add dorg dlm list aku..so pepaham sendri la ye...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Last Nite
Last nite we went out...adoiii...lately I always miss him..actually ada hal yg nak discuss..meet my parents... ktorg g kedai mamak dekat umah dia..
aku xmkn ler..minum je..myB mkn maggi goreng...sambil mkn sambil la borak..actually ktorg tgh plan nak jumpa parents aku..masa parents aku balik bcuti hari tu x sempat jumpa..myB bz sgt dgn keje..so we have to fly to meet them..
Sukerrr sgt bila discuss benda2 camni..yelah kan..for beginning a new life katanya...mcm2 la ktorg discuss...but...no decision yet..adoi la...
Pix kat atas ni d snap suatu ketika dulu..time masih baru lagi..x ingat pun bila tarikh sbnr kitorg couple..aku pun masih malu2 lagi time ni...B..bila nak g pantai lagi ni...
aku xmkn ler..minum je..myB mkn maggi goreng...sambil mkn sambil la borak..actually ktorg tgh plan nak jumpa parents aku..masa parents aku balik bcuti hari tu x sempat jumpa..myB bz sgt dgn keje..so we have to fly to meet them..
Sukerrr sgt bila discuss benda2 camni..yelah kan..for beginning a new life katanya...mcm2 la ktorg discuss...but...no decision yet..adoi la...
Pix kat atas ni d snap suatu ketika dulu..time masih baru lagi..x ingat pun bila tarikh sbnr kitorg couple..aku pun masih malu2 lagi time ni...B..bila nak g pantai lagi ni...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Not even 5 minutes
Yes..the title can make people think...actually its only my shoutout from my heart...merajuk feeling ma...He told me that his pc got prob..he dont have antivirus installer since Sunday...I was offered to give him on Sunday nite..but he ask for it by today...Monday!!!...Then after finished his work he ask me if I can give him the installer...yeah..I cannot lying myself...because of him I can do anything...but must be reasonable ok..
Yet I called him when I reach his house...he went down meet me & just take my thumb drive..then bubye...what??? he didnt ask anything? suddently my friend call me I tried to make it short...I call myB give him d choc that I planned to give him...
Then I drive to my house..so exasperate...I just told him about it in my msg..he reply & promise to meet me today after work..I didn't reply but then he call me..maybe he knew that I was merajuk...again he promise to see me today..we'll see..around 12++am he call me again..asking the password...lucky I'm not blur even slept..still can answer him very well I guess...

Then I drive to my house..so exasperate...I just told him about it in my msg..he reply & promise to meet me today after work..I didn't reply but then he call me..maybe he knew that I was merajuk...again he promise to see me today..we'll see..around 12++am he call me again..asking the password...lucky I'm not blur even slept..still can answer him very well I guess...

Monday, June 16, 2008
Feeling so good when I thought about my new work station...but if I think carefully...alamak...kan I dont like Monday...d first day in a week...everything was chaos...what???...something wrong somewhere...its not the same view like I leave my office last Saturday...yeah...my boss came back to d office & as usual he make it more tidy..few things cannot find...
My real boss then coming...he stand near the door look at me & view his place..haha...he also bengang la...We both find our harta karun to solve a problem which is hide from the boss...my real boss actually was my senior before...but he forgot about it...he did his degree while I did my dip...after that we didn't keep in touch even we sometimes saw each other...until we was meet in the same office...the old story then came out...he suddenly can call my full name clearly..he told me that he knew a malay girl before which is involve the student council...I'M THAT GIRL..NOW I'M A WOMEN...
My real boss then coming...he stand near the door look at me & view his place..haha...he also bengang la...We both find our harta karun to solve a problem which is hide from the boss...my real boss actually was my senior before...but he forgot about it...he did his degree while I did my dip...after that we didn't keep in touch even we sometimes saw each other...until we was meet in the same office...the old story then came out...he suddenly can call my full name clearly..he told me that he knew a malay girl before which is involve the student council...I'M THAT GIRL..NOW I'M A WOMEN...

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Breakfast with him..
Today he took me to breakfast at Kelana Jaya..restoran utara..he told me that he always eat there during his break..so I just follow since I dont like to eat at 'mamak'...even at the first he asked me if I want to eat at 'mamak'..thanks B...u r very understanding... 
I only took nasi lemak with fried chick...sedap..the sambal not too spicy..so laju je la makan...everytime when he took me to makan he like to ask me if the food is ok or not..maybe he worried if I'm not satisfy.. bcoz he knew that I'm choosy...
Last nite he give me a gift..he bought fish bone's key chain from Redang...yea..yea..I love it..he actually asked for my key's bunch but then he add the new key chain for me..I thought he want to change his..tq so much..at least u remember of me..
* the pic will upload letter

I only took nasi lemak with fried chick...sedap..the sambal not too spicy..so laju je la makan...everytime when he took me to makan he like to ask me if the food is ok or not..maybe he worried if I'm not satisfy.. bcoz he knew that I'm choosy...
Last nite he give me a gift..he bought fish bone's key chain from Redang...yea..yea..I love it..he actually asked for my key's bunch but then he add the new key chain for me..I thought he want to change his..tq so much..at least u remember of me..

* the pic will upload letter
Happy Father's Day

But last 2 weeks we had talking about my life..my life? yeah he is very excited to know about me, yeah I'm his first daughter, that's why...We talk about so many things..the way he talking, I know he is very care about me..why only now I realised that?...yeah last time when I was a kid he is very strict...maybe that's the main reason that make me scared...
But actually he like to make a jokes like to talking to any person...even the new person also will comfortable with him...I was send my wishes thru sms, told that he is the best father for us..(actually I'm crying while typing this entry)...he replied & mention thats all bcoz af our siblings & mom prayers...so touching..Happy Father's Day...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
My work station...
I'm not purposely plan to change it before but it just my recommendation to my boss..lucky, he supporting me...he asked the students to remove my old table & change the different table..the old table is like an old school table..yeah I dont have a photo but later on I'll put it in the diff entry.. maybe...
Its quite difficult for me before, its bcoz the limited space for my place...U all just imagine that my place only fit with 1 table & ngam2 for a chair..I'm not sardin ok..Actually I wanna do it by myself but my boss not allowed me..hehe..maybe he thought that I cannot effort since I'm a small size..dont play2...I've got energy even I'm working non stop since morning..opsss...is it true? hehe
Actually my boss like to change the structure of our office...so when I asked to change my table, he changing all the office table..alamak...hopefully everybody will satisfy..hiks..
Its quite difficult for me before, its bcoz the limited space for my place...U all just imagine that my place only fit with 1 table & ngam2 for a chair..I'm not sardin ok..Actually I wanna do it by myself but my boss not allowed me..hehe..maybe he thought that I cannot effort since I'm a small size..dont play2...I've got energy even I'm working non stop since morning..opsss...is it true? hehe
Actually my boss like to change the structure of our office...so when I asked to change my table, he changing all the office table..alamak...hopefully everybody will satisfy..hiks..
Friday, June 13, 2008
He is my man..
MyB dah pasangkan knob yg baru ku beli smlm..so pintu bilik dah bleh kunci...xde la mcm smlm berlubang pintu bilik aku...dia pasang kejap sgt..ntah brp minit je, dah siap...but he sweating like working under the sun...sorry...I dont meant it to make you suffer...& also he fix the new lamp in my wash room..aku rasa baru je tukar x smpi 3 bulan dah tbakar...anyway he is very helpful...tq dear...hopefully forever la yea...
Tapi skrg ni aku rasa nak menjadi raksasa...aku msg dah bbrp kali dia x reply...bertukarrr!!! xbleh plak...aduhhh...mana la dia pegi ni..
Tapi skrg ni aku rasa nak menjadi raksasa...aku msg dah bbrp kali dia x reply...bertukarrr!!! xbleh plak...aduhhh...mana la dia pegi ni..
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I was locked myself!!!

I was late this morning..so just rushing to dress up..I took my car key then went out from my room..then when I try to open the main door...waaa...I leave my house keys in my room...my room was locked...I was stuck in the hall...waaa...then I try to open the door by bonuslink card...it doesn't work...the worse think is my hp also in my room!!!

Too tired u know to to knock the knob by the dumbbell...almost 2 hours then I decided to break the knob....but its also take time..so tired..sweating...I hurt my hand also...adoiii...then after I broke the knob I go in to my room but then once again I've locked!!! bcoz the knob cannot turn anyway since I brike the outside knob...lucky I kept a hammer in my room...then I broke the whole knob...waaa..really tired ok...

Then after that I went to tesco buy a new knob & my lunch..then straight away to my office...like a celebrity, everybody asking me...wow...somebody being a CNN...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
She Made It...
Congrats to Leona! She made her own blog...I told u b4...she's very excited to decorate her blog..I already link her blog to mine...that can make us more closer babe...hehe..I like..So Leona what's next? u must update ur blog everyday so that more money u can get...yeah..no joke...Actually I dont have an idea to post this entry..haha..the main point is..I just want to say congrats to my dear friend..Leona...
Leona..oh leona...
Leona adalah housemate ku...merangkap kawan baik ku sejak hampir 10 taun yg lalu...lama gak kan? aku mula kenal masa buat dip dgn dia dulu...byk wooo kenangan aku dgn Leona nih....ni kali ke2 aku jadik housemate dia...d umah yg lain...waaa...byk pindah2 umah k...
smlm aku chat dgn dia...dia akan balik ke Malaysia dr Lithuania 23July nanti...waduh lama lagi...tiap hari aku tanya bila dia kan balik M'sia..hehe..mesti dia pun bosan dgn soklan aku, tp dia x marah...kan Leona..aku baru gtau dia pasal blog ku ini...dia pun telah melawat bbrp blog yg aku selalu jenguk...yeah...pasti dia pun akan buat blog gak bbrp hari lagi...
smlm aku chat dgn dia...dia akan balik ke Malaysia dr Lithuania 23July nanti...waduh lama lagi...tiap hari aku tanya bila dia kan balik M'sia..hehe..mesti dia pun bosan dgn soklan aku, tp dia x marah...kan Leona..aku baru gtau dia pasal blog ku ini...dia pun telah melawat bbrp blog yg aku selalu jenguk...yeah...pasti dia pun akan buat blog gak bbrp hari lagi...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Otak ku tepu...
Sorry entry hari ni agak boring sbb otak aku kureng active..sbb dah tepu..
Hari ni aku balik agak lewat..& kat office aku sgt la byk keja..aku meeting kul 5 sampai kul 7...ha mau x pecah pala hotak aku nih...itupun aku dah surrender...aku mintak smbg esok je la..nasib baik smua org menyokong...adusss...aku sgt letih...
Masa nak masuk keta myB msg aku...mesti dia risau aku balik keja lewat...aku call dia lps aku dpt msg skali lg...b demam...aku mcm xpecaya yang aku sgt risaukan dia...Bila dgr suara dia je mmg dah dpt imagine camne teruknye demam dia..nasib baik dah nak balik esok..kalau x, aku sruh dia balik KL even class dia lambat lg nak abis...
mesti dia letih sgt...maunye tak, asyik nyelam then ujan2 makan ice cream then trus demam...uish...tp dia sempat lagi ckp nak jumpa sok..klu dia demam lagi sure dia xdtg jenguk aku...waaa...postpone lg la nak jumpa myB...
Hari ni aku balik agak lewat..& kat office aku sgt la byk keja..aku meeting kul 5 sampai kul 7...ha mau x pecah pala hotak aku nih...itupun aku dah surrender...aku mintak smbg esok je la..nasib baik smua org menyokong...adusss...aku sgt letih...
Masa nak masuk keta myB msg aku...mesti dia risau aku balik keja lewat...aku call dia lps aku dpt msg skali lg...b demam...aku mcm xpecaya yang aku sgt risaukan dia...Bila dgr suara dia je mmg dah dpt imagine camne teruknye demam dia..nasib baik dah nak balik esok..kalau x, aku sruh dia balik KL even class dia lambat lg nak abis...
mesti dia letih sgt...maunye tak, asyik nyelam then ujan2 makan ice cream then trus demam...uish...tp dia sempat lagi ckp nak jumpa sok..klu dia demam lagi sure dia xdtg jenguk aku...waaa...postpone lg la nak jumpa myB...
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sangat Sukerrr
MyB baru je call dari Redang..wahhh..sangat teruja ok..hari ni dia x msg langsung maybe tgh bz ler ngajar scuba diving class tu kan...dia call tadi..tanye le nape aku x g klinik..huh...malas la g klinik..ubat samer je.."antibiotic ni kene abiskan" itu ler ayat lumrah..actly aku malas nak pegi..dah ler aku x suka ubat...tapi aku mkn ubat bila aku rasa aku mmg sakit sgt...
Aku : Bila b nak balik ni?
MyB : Nannti b balik la..hari rabu mlm b sampai k..
Aku : ala...nanti dah sampai mesti dah letih nak rest nak tdo...
MyB : xpe..klu b sampai awal b jumpa bb la...
Aku :yea...ok...(hopefully la dia sampai KL awal mlm) puhhh...kene blajar dr cik VP nih..hehe
Xpe la sok baik ler tu...aku ni demam skit je...kene ujan masa g Melaka hari tu...sampai umah aku x mandi sbb dah letih sgt..ni le hasilnye...
Aku : Bila b nak balik ni?
MyB : Nannti b balik la..hari rabu mlm b sampai k..
Aku : ala...nanti dah sampai mesti dah letih nak rest nak tdo...
MyB : xpe..klu b sampai awal b jumpa bb la...
Aku :yea...ok...(hopefully la dia sampai KL awal mlm) puhhh...kene blajar dr cik VP nih..hehe
Xpe la sok baik ler tu...aku ni demam skit je...kene ujan masa g Melaka hari tu...sampai umah aku x mandi sbb dah letih sgt..ni le hasilnye...
Miss him so much...
Hari ni aku blom dapat msg or call dr myB...maybe dia bz sgt kat Redang tu ye..smlm dia msg je x call, aku lmbt je reply dia msg lg..huhu.. did he miss me? skrg ni baru ler dia rajin nak contact..dulu2 dia selalu ilang dr radar event aku dah puas finding..
aku masih demam lagi ni..rindu sgt kat dia kot..."sabar sayang..nanti b balik k..." lagi la aku rasa x sabar nak jumpa dia..lamanya nak tggu myB balik..
aku masih demam lagi ni..rindu sgt kat dia kot..."sabar sayang..nanti b balik k..." lagi la aku rasa x sabar nak jumpa dia..lamanya nak tggu myB balik..
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Ke Melaka
Semalam Public Holiday..tapi aku bangun awal..sbb nak g Melaka utk menghadiri majlis perkahwinan ...dorg ni ex-coursemate aku kat Sunderland Uni. dulu...alhamdulillah ke jinjang pelamin akhirnye...
Mulanya ramai yg nak pegi so ingat nak pegi naik van skalinye pegi ber4 je..so pegi 1 keta je...Majlis tu dia buat kat Restoran Subaidah belakang bangunan MITC, Air Keroh...ktorg smpi tepat kul12..pengantin sampai kul 2 lebih..adusss...nasib baik la ktorg ada kesabaran yg tggi...Majlis yg ktorg dtg ni seblah lelaki, seblah pompuan buat kat Perak tp ktorg x bkesempatan nak pegi...
Lps tu ktorg g jenjalan la..round2 Melaka..disebbkan aku agak tau jalan2 kat Melaka, aku ler yg jd driver...balik apun aku drive sampai Puchong...korang mmg la..nasib baik aku ni berhati waja...cheh..ape kene mengene lak dgn citer ni...ktorg cuma jalan2 kat bandar hilir & Jonker Street sajork...byk gak yg dborong oleh member aku privena..anak kacukan Cindian ni klu dah shopping mmg x hengat...

ktorg ada amik gmbr bersama pengantin tp dsebabkan masalah technical ntah nape pic x jadi..so nanti2 la aku upload pic eh...
Friday, June 6, 2008
Ke IOI Mall
Lepas keje tadi aku & Privena serta sorg lg member bgegas ke Jusco...ktorg g beli hadiah utk member ktorg..nak g majlis kawen xkan x bawak hadiah kan..dsebbkan minah tu dah lapar tahap kebulur ktorg g mkn dulu..aku pun tpaksa la mkn skali..tgoda aku bila nampak bubble tea..pantang aku tu..hehe..pantang nampak mesti nak beli...
Lepas dah beli hadiah tu ktorg simpan dlm keta sbb berat ler..x sanggup nak ngusung ke hulu hilir...then ktorg g

Kat body shop masih sale lagi tapi dah last 3 days la..aku cuma amik eau de toilette ANANYA & VELIQUE ini...
rupanya aku x amik vanilla...maybe lupa time aku sibuk memilih lipstic..huhu..ada org nak bg gift..so xkan nak tolak..tq Privn...u r my best buddy..waaahh... harusla pakai esok..aku pilih soft color je..tp mcm bling2 sket..hiks

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