He fetch me at my office..actually it was late bcoz he slept..after I call then only he wake up..I think I was rude to him...I scolded him on the phone..thought he forgot our date..
We went to Mid Valley...he actually wanted to eat asam laksa, but he said the taste is so bad..then we exchange ..but he's not enjoy his meal...sorry b..after that he sent me home...
We went to Mid Valley...he actually wanted to eat asam laksa, but he said the taste is so bad..then we exchange ..but he's not enjoy his meal...sorry b..after that he sent me home...
MyB: salam...
Aku: salam..
Aku: b...bb minta maaf ye.. Aku: bb cakap kasar dgn b tadi...marah2..
Aku: sorry...

MyB: accepted....

Aku: tq so much

MyB: baju td.. ok x?
Aku: ok..dah try dgn kasut..

Aku: suar b tu ok ke? Aku: mcm besar je..
MyB: ye ke? MyB: besar skit xpe kot...
Aku: yang...klu tdo ckp tau...
MyB: ok... MyB: kengkawan keje dtg umah... mkn durian
Aku: b pun mkn durian lg ke?
MyB: x... MyB: ok lh bb.. MyB: sok jgn lupe tau..
Aku: ye..
MyB: kejut b...
Aku: bb x lupa..
MyB: thx..
Aku: skali tu je maxis wat hal kan..
MyB: nite..
Aku: gnite
signed out. (7/25/2008 12:17 AM)
bestnyaaaaaaaaa, zaman2 chenta ada walking alarm kejutkan tido.
dah kawen aku hempok ngan bolster pun dia tak bangun2 gak.
takpe, lelaki senang nak memahapkan kita nie...
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